Pastor Eric, along with Mrs. Goldie, and their children relocated to Pryor Creek in June of 2012,
in obedience to God's call on their lives. Since that time the Church has come a long way from
eight adults on the first Sunday, three hundred dollars in the bank, and the uncertainty of whether
or not the Church could make it through another difficult season. However, God has richly
blessed over the last seven plus years and today, by the goodness of the Lord, Pryor Creek
Baptist Church is thriving spiritually and relationally.
Pastor Eric has a strong burden for biblical preaching, discipleship, selfless giving, and feeding
and caring for the homeless. He is also burdened to help people bound in addiction and
stubborn behaviors understand that there's freedom in Christ.
Pastor Eric and Goldie have ten biological children together. They have been married for twenty
years and are deeply in love with one another. They understand what it's like to hurt, as both grew
up in challenging environments. Pastor Eric was delivered from a life of violence and addiction.
In addition to all this, they recently saw God walk them through the loss of one of their children
after a lengthy battle with cancer.
Before coming to Pryor Creek Pastor Eric and Goldie spent ten years at Eastland Baptist Church
were they served in youth ministry, founded a nationally recognized RU chapter and Sunday
school class. For years Eric has spoken at special events such as family camps, revivals, Men's
meeting's, etc...